We are in the year 2023 now. Quite advanced enough actually. Everything around us seems so fast paced that we really need to stay on top of our game to get things done. This seems so overwhelming at times making us either procrastinate the tasks or even Quit entirely! Hence, Planning your day the can help you become more productive and stay ahead of time.

Let’s now see how planning your day can help you organise your tasks & stay productive in your routine.


If you have a feeling that planner & all are just for some high-end business professionals or kind of like a Show-Off thing then you are wrong! Whether you are a Student, Business Professional, an Entrepreneur, Working 9-5 in a corporate job, working mom or even Homemakers, using Planner can turn the plates for you.

Because all of us here have some or the other tasks to be completed on a daily basis. As for the human nature, we often tend to forget certain things. This is where planner comes into picture.

Let’s dive into why planner can be an asset for you in your daily routine.

  • Helps get a better clarity about the total number of tasks :

As I said before, no matter which profession you are in, you will have a certain tasks to complete. Having to remember all of those tasks can be cumbersome at time, specially if there are more than 7-8 tasks.

Hence, you can use a planner to jot down all the tasks you need to complete and get a single glance at all the tasks as and when needed. 

  • You can structure your tasks better :

Now you have probably jotted down all the tasks you need to complete. But all of those tasks may probably fall under different categories. Each of those tasks can also have some sub-tasks depending on your requirements.

Using a planner will help you structure those tasks under proper categories giving you even better clarity about your tasks.

  • You can master your time management skills :

Initially while planning your day, you might not have a very clear cut idea about how much time a particular task may require exactly. You will vaguely calculate it, start working on it only to realize you are short of time!  

So just make sure you check the time you spend on task and make a note of it in your planner. Also make a note of some impromptu tasks you encounter as well. You shall be able track your time better making you master your time management skills.

  • Makes you more productive in the long run : 

By now I guess you have gained some Time management skills, then now it’s time to get productive.

By productive I do not mean being busy. What I mean is you shall be able to complete more tasks in less amount of time in a much efficient manner. 


Now that you have seen the benefits of using a planner, lets also see how you can efficiently plan your day. These are some of the things that can help you stay productive without feeling overwhelmed. 

  • Plan your day the night before :

One of the habits that I have been following since years and which I swear by is to Plan your day the night before.

Mornings are already a time where you are rushing to get ready, have your breakfast, getting stuck in heavy traffic to get to your office etc. Ufff! Too much on your plates already. So let the pressure of Planning not be another task itself here.

So, spend like 5-10 mins the night before and check through your requirements and list down your tasks.

But, if you have any tasks that came up in the morning then make sure to jot it down in your planner  immediately. 

  • Make a list of all the tasks to be completed :

Now First things first. List down all the tasks you need to complete the next day.

Some of them can be fixed ones you do everyday, some may be according to what your work demands. 

So What I like to do is write the divide the tasks as FIXED & VARYING under the TO-DO section of my planner and list the tasks accordingly.

Here’s an example of how my planner looks like : 

Example image for To-Do section of a planner
  • Prioritize the them :

Next, I like to Prioritize the above tasks.

I either have 3 tasks under priority or if I have a tight schedule then I will have 5 tasks.

You can decide it according to your schedule and requirements. I also try not to keep more than 5 tasks for Priority list.

In case you have any Appointments to attend to, You can list them under the priority section itself so that you don’t forget them.

Example image for Priority section of a planner
  • Dedicate some buffer time for some impromptu tasks :

While planning just make sure you dedicate some time for impromptu tasks that you may encounter. This may not be the case everyday, but still better have some spare time just in case, so that you don’t have to upset all the planning you have done for the day.

  • Don’t forget to take breaks!

While planning your day, don’t forget to give yourself some “ME-TIME” as well. This immensely helps you rejuvenate yourself so that you don’t feel burned out during the day.

You can dedicate like 30-40 mins towards this and may be go for a walk, Sketch something, Watch an episode of your favorite TV show, Cook yourself something nice, Make yourself a cup of coffee etc. Do what ever makes you happy!

  • Make Sub-tasks out of the main tasks :

Some of the tasks you need to do may have some sub-tasks as well. Make a note of it clearly and finish one sub-task at a time to check the task off.

Writing all the sub-task will also help you complete those task in a nice orderly manner helping you efficiently get that done.

  • Keep a track of your water intake :

Planning, completing the tasks are all probably important but definitely not as important as your health. 

So keep yourself hydrated. It is recommended to have at least 8 glasses of water everyday.

So every time you have a glass of water, make sure to check them off in your planner.

  • Keep a track of your workout routine :

Just keeping tack of your water intake alone is not sufficient. Sitting at desks all day staring at screens is definitely not recommended. But unfortunately our work demands just that. 

So make sure you have nice workout routine everyday. It is important to sweat to feel healthy.

You need not workout like 2-3 hours a day or anything. Just make it a habit to at-least Walk and meditate for 15 mins everyday. Trust me, works wonders.

Use a planner to write down your workout routine for the day and follow it without fail. 

Stay Happy. Stay Healthy.

  • Write Positive affirmations while starting your day :

While taking care of your Physical health , we often tend to neglect our mental health. Keeping ourselves motivated and happy is equally important. 

To achieve that, I write positive affirmations everyday. This not only motivates me but also makes to feel good about myself and keep me going through out the day.

You can also write your favorite Quotes before you actually begin your day. 

Do try this and let me how it made you feel.

  • Follow Gratitude :

Last but not the least , take like 5 mins out of my time and reflect on your day. The day may have been super great or super hectic. If the day has not been in your favor then you might be feeling very low. 

So writing down what you have been grateful about that day or just about anything thing in your life  helps. You will feel good by remembering all those awesome blessings of your life and will be ready to conquer the world the next morning. 

Something I like to follow. Helps me keep myself grounded and Happy.


There are a few other points I would like to say.

  • Try Using only ONE PLANNER :

You might ask me why. I personally like to use only one dedicated planner for all the possible categories of tasks. Be it personal or Professional.

I feel that your planner should give you an overall idea about all your tasks. Using more than one planner may hinder efficiency in planning and even while having a planner, your may forget some tasks.

This is how I prefer. Work your way around and see what works the best for you.

  • Decide what type of planner works for you :

There are both Physical and Digital Planner available. If you still prefer handwriting your tasks on a Physical paper then Physical Planners are your thing.

If you don’t prefer carrying a extra book with you everywhere you go or if your work requires you to collaborate and all then I guess digital planner works best for you. You will also have the benefit of sharing your schedule if needed.

Well, That’s it for the article. Hope you found it useful.

If anyone of you have any other planning tips you use, do share them in the comment section below. Lets all make each other’s life a little easier.

Thanks a lot for reading till here. If you found any of my articles useful, feel free to share them. 

In case you need some Physical planners, then do check out my planners on Amazon. Peace. 

Sri Raksha

Hello everyone. My name is Sri Raksha. I am an Engineer, Passionate Photographer, Business enthusiast and also a Digital Marketer. I shall be posting related articles on my website, preferably once a week. Feel free to check them out. :)


  1. Greetings! Very useful advice in this particular post! Its the little changes that produce the biggest changes. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks a lot for the appreciation. Hope you found the article useful.

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